¿Acaso es posible casarse con alguien que uno ha conocido recién? La respuesta a esta pregunta podría dividir a los usuarios ya que varios considerarían que el amor es algo predestinado, mientras que otros dirían que se forma con el tiempo.

La historia que hoy nos reúne parece darle chances a los primeros. Esta tiene lugar en India y se volvió viral en Instagram recientemente gracias a Humans of Bombay.


“Chachan y yo nos conocimos en una boda donde nos presentaron nuestros padres – yo tenía 23 años. En ese entonces, tener 23 años y estar soltera era algo inaudito; y por ello mis padres buscaban agresivamente un chico adecuado. Nos enviaron a dar un paseo. Yo era tímida; y él habló lo suficiente para nosotros dos. Me dijo de su amor por los viajes y el cine. Caminamos durante 30 minutos y al final, de alguna manera ya no parecía un extraño. Entonces, cuando regresamos, dije ‘sí’”, sostuvo la mujer a Humans of Bombay.

De igual manera, recordó su luna de miel en la montañosa localidad de Munnar. “Era la primera vez que viajaba fuera de la ciudad, me encantó. El amor de Chachan por viajar se convirtió en parte de mí también”, afirmó.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram

“Chachan & I met at a wedding where we were introduced by our parents–I was 23. Back then, being 23 & unmarried was unheard of; my parents were aggressively looking for a suitable boy. We were sent for a walk. I was shy; but he spoke enough for the 2 of us. He told me about his love for travel & cinema. We walked for 30 mins & by the end of it, he somehow didn’t seem like a stranger anymore. So when we got back, I said ‘yes’. 2 months later, on the first day of 1962, we got married. It was a traditional Malayali Kalyanam in Kerala. I wore a Set Mundu saree & Chachan was dressed in a 3 piece suit. It was a small wedding, but everything was perfect apart from the fact that there was no one to capture it! In the 60s, owning a camera was a luxury. But we danced all evening; the next day, we left for our honeymoon in Munnar. It was my first time traveling out of town–I loved it. Chachan’s love for travel became a part of me as well. He was an event manager, so our life was a little party. He’d take me for all his events, even the out of town ones. After the event wrapped up, we’d stay for a few more days & explore the place, doing all sorts of touristy things. We’ve covered all of South India & next on our wishlist is New York. Chachan loves tall buildings & the American culture, especially their breakfast; but his favourite food is my fish curry. So every Sunday our entire family–3 kids & 6 grandkids, get together for fish curry. During the lockdown, we got even more time together. We’d all sit together & reminisce about simpler days. So when I was narrating our wedding story, my photographer grandson suggested a wedding photoshoot for us! It felt silly at first–playing bride & groom & getting a photoshoot done at 80? People would laugh. Even I laughed–but the kids had made up their minds & Chachan was also excited. So, 58 years after our wedding, I again adorned a white Set Mundu saree as Chachan got into his three piece suit, & we got our wedding photoshoot done in the backyard of our house. We may have been 80, but that day, we felt like those 23 year olds who met at a wedding & within half an hour decided to spend the rest of their lives together.”

Una publicación compartida por Humans of Bombay (@officialhumansofbombay) el


Un domingo que la pareja almorzaba pescado al curry en compañía de sus 3 hijos y 6 nietos se habló de que ellos no tuvieron una sesión de fotos de boda. Fue así que uno de estos últimos sugirió hacerla.

“Podremos tener 30 años, pero ese día nos sentimos como esos jóvenes de 23 que se conocieron en un matrimonio y en media hora decidieron pasar el resto de sus vidas juntos”, añadió la anciana.

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